Happy Father’s Day to all Lab Dads

Juno our 6 month female Yellow Labrador Retriever

Juno resting from her morning Father's Day fetch session

It is a sunny and warm Father’s Day here in Buxton, Maine. Despite the weather it was   hard getting up this morning. I had one of those “meaning of life” tossing and turning thinking way too much and not getting enough sleep kind of nights. My yellow lab puppy Juno’s playful whining at the side of the bed coaxed me out of my nest of blankets. Zombie like,  I made my way to the shower to find a note left on the vanity telling me how much of a wonderful dad I am from Melissa. I smiled, got in the shower and washed the sleep from my face as well as the thoughts from my mind that kept me awake last night, still lingering at the edge of my consciousness.
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